Thursday, January 13, 2011

Countdown to London: 5 days

There are five days left before I embark on my journey to London. I have started packing already so that is definitely a good sign. For my last few days in LA, i've been trying to make sure I have everything I need, see everyone I want to see and do everything I need to do , because for the next 5 months, I won't be seeing home. I have been to London 3 times already. The first time I went was for the 2006 World Cup in Munich, Germany. I have always wanted to go to London and was finally there! I still remember when I first arrived to the city, I fell in love with all the history and culture the city had to offer. The second time I went to London was when I also went to Paris. London was still as amazing as the first time I had been there. Last summer, I went to World Cup 2010 in South Africa and we stopped by in London for a few days in our layover. This time, I was done with all the tourist attractions and set out to find the real London. I went to where the locals were and ate foods the locals ate. My last trip to London was truly amazing because I felt like I really connected with the city this time and I wasn't just a tourist. For my upcoming semester abroad, there is so much I want to accomplish. One of main goals is to get an internship. If I can an internship, that would just make my time in London so much better! I'm not going to lie but I can totally see myself migrating to London if the opportunity permitted it. This city is so full of life and I can't wait to breath it all in - as cliche as that sounds, it's true. I'm going to be living in this city for the next 5 months and I want to make it the best experience possible! I've got my two best friends - it's going to be quite an adventure. oh, and of course I need to find my soccer star love - Fernando Torres. In 5 days, the adventures will begin and I can't wait for it. London - i'm ready for you!

p.s. - save the turtles!

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